Saturday, June 6, 2009

A Mixture Of Emotions...

Right now there are so many things going on in my mind that i cannot comprehand the fact that there are just so many things going on...I;m between crossroads now as i near the age of being 19 sooner or later many things will be in my hands and even more things will fall on my shoulder... And soon i'll have to decide if something is really worth the pain or not .. and i've decided to forget about it because right now i need myself to be happy to prevent it from getting worst and besides if you don't care why should i?... i'm hoping that i'll get that appointment tomorrow... so wish me luck...

I know I'll weather this storm just like the other storms in my life... No one here is turning their back on you but for some reason your doing that to them... We'll always be here if you need to talk... -natalie-

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