Friday, June 13, 2008

Finally Its A Friday

Hello one and all

To my new and for some unemofied blog :) Welcome. it is now so pleasent, sweet and girly girl looking =P hehe... oh well i guess some people would never expect me to put pictures of roses and stargazers on my blog . Well for those of you who don't know i happen to like stargazers and roses but i like stargazers more. hehe and they smell good too x) Anyways its finally the weekend. i can finally rest a little but i have to prepare for two presentations. One for biology and another for english. Hopefully i'll do well for both*crosses fingers and prays ...

Anyways have you all ever heard of aphrodite?

Well for those of you who don't shes actually the ancient greek Goddess of Love and Beauty.According to Hesiod, she was born when Uranus (the father of the gods) was castrated by his son Cronus. Cronus threw the severed genitals into the ocean which began to churn and foam about them. From the aphros ("sea foam") arose Aphrodite, and the sea carried her to either Cyprus or Cythera. Hence she is often referred to as Kypris and Cytherea. Homer calls her a daughter of Zeus and Dione.

After her birth, Zeus was afraid that the gods would fight over Aphrodite's hand in marriage so he married her off to the smith god Hephaestus, the steadiest of the gods. He could hardly believe his good luck and used all his skills to make the most lavish jewels for her. He made her a girdle of finely wrought gold and wove magic into the filigree work. That was not very wise of him, for when she wore her magic girdle no one could resist her, and she was all too irresistible already. She loved gaiety and glamour and was not at all pleased at being the wife of sooty, hard-working Hephaestus.

Aphrodite loved and was loved by many gods and mortals. Among her mortal lovers, the most famous was perhaps Adonis. Some of her sons are Eros, Anteros, Hymenaios and Aeneas (with her Trojan lover Anchises). She is accompanied by the Graces.

Her festival is the Aphrodisiac which was celebrated in various centers of Greece and especially in Athens and Corinth. Her priestesses were not prostitutes but women who represented the goddess and sexual intercourse with them was considered just one of the methods of worship. Aphrodite was originally an old-Asian goddess, similar to the Mesopotamian Ishtar and the Syro-Palestinian goddess Ashtart. Her attributes are a.o. the dolphin, the dove, the swan, the pomegranate and the lime tree.

In Roman mythology Venus is the goddess of love and beauty and Cupid is love's messenger.

I've always liked greek mythology since i was young. i remember flipping through encyclopedia's as a little kid to read all about them. As i grew so did my interest =P . Anyways i think i should be off to bed now. bye and goodnight readers :) sweetdreams and don't let the beddy big bugs bite.


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