Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Tagged by su yee :)

1. At what age you wished to marry?
- no idea i think everything has a time and place if it happens then it happens i'll leave it up to fate ;)

2. Will you consider sexual relationships before marriage?
- nope i've made a promise to myself so i'm going to keep it that way. thank you

3. Do you smoke?
- nope can't stand the smell of smoke makes me cough sometimes

4. What is the latest gadget that you own?
- i have no idea . most of the time i normally shop for clothes and books hehe =P not much of a tech person

5. Who did you mostly text yesterday?
- nicholas cheong =P

6. How old are you and are you a virgin?
- 17 now but i'm going to be 18 soon and yes i'm still a virgin :)

7. What is the latest thing you bought with your own money
- stationery =P i needed a pen

8. Chocolates, oreo or Vanilla?
- Vanilla hehe chocolate and oreos are alright but i'm a vanilla person :)

9. Where do you wish to get married?
- hmmmm somewhere romantic like greece or barcelona but the place has to have an amazing beach.. maybe ireland i heard its super romantic or maybe florence...

10. How old do you think you'll be permanently owned by love?
- no clue

11. How many kids do you want?
- 2 or 3 if thats possible hehe i want a big family =P

13. Where is the latest restaurant you had dinner in?
- Marco's place last sunday ... the pasta was great :P

14. What is your full name?
- ummm i think everybody knows that already =P

15. Name the latest book you bought?
- ummm i haven't really been buying books i've been borrowing from yl and lw and the library so the latest one would probably be my harry potter book which was last year so yeah unless college textbooks count x)

16. Do you prefer your mother or father?
- oh this is tough i love them both dearly but i'm closer to my mum. yes i'm a mummy's girl

17. Do you believe in God?
- of course i do . religion is really important in ones life it helps guide us throughout our lives ;)

18. Name the first person you want to meet for the first time
- i have no idea this is tough ummmmm no idea *fails to come up with something

20. Do you do your own laundry?
- depends on what kind are we talking about

21. The most exciting place you want to go to?
- japan, barcelona, ireland and los angeles hehe

22. Hugs or Kisses?
- both x) can't really put my finger on which

23. Single or attached?
- hmmm what do you think ?

24. Point out 5 things about the person who tagged you
- su yee
- i've known this girl since i was about 5
- one sexy sexy girl
- awesome with the guitar
- sadistic
- has super long hair hehe

i tag nicholas cheong, tan huey ren, shaun siegfried and henri x)

got to go college is just like a tornado right now ...


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