Monday, September 14, 2009

Typhoon 8ight


last night at 6pm a typhoon 8 warning was issued hence all classes were canceled until further notice so i woke up this morning at it was still raining... so all my classes before 2pm is canceled... which is awesome cause i had econs today...

so i don't know what typhoon 8 looks like but i know its really really violent winds... i don't know how it looks like cause i slept through the entire thing >.<.... not my fault i was tired esspecially after orientation last night ... oh yeah my orientation will only finish on the 20th... haha ...

so how did i survive my home lock in during the typhoon? especially since i'm quite restless...

- sleep
-surf the internet
-and pray that the typhoon will make all the classes canceled... (i still have putonghua classes)....

i got to go... assignments, projects, presentations....

ps: i used to think i was an average student but now i feel really really below average....


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